Why Our Mission Matters

Our Mission Matters – #HopeGrowsPGH!

There are many compelling statistics that support why our mission matters. The #FamilyCaregiverAlliance indicates that the impact of caregiving on a caregiver’s mental, emotional, and physical health make this population at risk for many things. Studies show that caregivers are in worse health and have an increased risk of heart disease, have lower levels of self-care, show higher levels of depression, and suffer from high levels of stress and frustration.  Some of the latest statistics indicate caregivers are dying before their care recipient.  #HopeGrowsPGH strives to lower risks involved in paying the ultimate price for providing care—increased mortality.

Hope Grows finds that the frustrating part about these statistics are that caregivers are more likely to ignore their health and NOT seek support. What is the reason for this, you might ask???  Caregivers spend on average $5500.00 a year on care recipient costs, many quit their careers to provide care in the home, and caregivers report not be able to afford reliable replacement care.

This is why our mission is so important to us and hopefully to all of you.  How can you help???

  • By spreading the word – 95 out of 100 people when asked report being a caregiver, having been a caregiver, or know of a caregiver.
  • Support our cause with a donation to help a caregiver receive needed services.
  • Refer a caregiver to our organization, a unified front will empower caregivers to seek wellness of mind, body, and spirit.

Help us achieve our vision in putting a stop to the ultimate risk of caregiving, DEATH!  Caregivers should not die providing care to others and your help is needed.

For $50 a month a caregiver can receive individual counseling, for $75 a caregiver can receive a 6 week psycho-education course on stress management, for $25 a month, a caregiver can attend a support group.

Consider donating today, #GivingTuesday, for this worthy cause.

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